Many people wear wigs for style, but what about growing your hair underneath? Keeping your natural locks healthy and long while rocking a wig can sometimes feel like a secret puzzle.

You might worry that your hair won't thrive, or worse, that it could get damaged under the daily disguise. But here's a comforting fact: with the right care routine, you can achieve significant hair growth even while wearing your favorite wig styles.

This blog post is packed with expert tips on how to nurture your mane so it grows strong and luscious beneath those stylish wigs. We'll cover everything from washing routines to protective measures — all simple steps designed specifically for those looking to boost their hair growth journey without ditching the wig.

Ready for healthier hair? Let's dive in.

Key Takeaways
- Protect your natural hair under wigs by using wig caps or choosing wigs with closures/frontals to minimize friction and tension on the scalp.
- Regularly wash, condition, and moisturize your hair to maintain its health; also trim ends every 8-12 weeks to prevent split ends and encourage growth.
- Use oils such as coconut oil or specialized serums for scalp nourishment to promote healthy hair growth underneath wigs.
- Avoid tight hairstyles when preparing your natural hair for wig wear, as they can lead to traction alopecia from excessive pulling on the follicles.
- Incorporate protective styling methods while wearing a wig for consistent length retention, ensuring the ongoing health of your natural hair.

How Wearing Wigs Helped Me Grow My Hair?

How Wearing Wigs Helped Me Grow My Hair?

Wearing wigs has made it easier for me to access and care for my hair, allowing me to experiment with different hair products and find what works best for my hair growth journey. Initially, I wore wigs without realizing that they could actually help me grow my hair underneath.

Easy Access to Hair Care

One of the biggest benefits of growing hair under a wig is that you can easily reach your natural locks. This means you have the freedom to regularly wash, condition, and moisturize without disturbing your stylish wig.

Maintaining a consistent hair care routine is crucial and wigs make it convenient to care for your scalp and strands.

Taking good care of your hair while wearing a wig doesn't require special trips to the salon or extra hours in your day. You can simply lift up the wig and tend to all the essentials, like oiling your scalp or applying leave-in conditioner.

Remember, protecting hair under wig wear also involves using products that nourish from root to tip.

Experimentation with Different Hair Products

Experimenting with different hair products while wearing wigs can be beneficial for promoting the growth and health of your natural hair. By trying out various shampoos, conditioners, and treatments, you can find the right combination that works best for maintaining healthy hair under a wig.

Moreover, when I started wearing wigs I used to experiment with different wig clips to perfect my wig regimen. You can also try the same with half wigs to further perfect your wig and hair journey.

Using products specifically designed to nourish and strengthen your hair can contribute to improved scalp health and stimulate growth.

Choosing the right hair products is essential for maintaining the moisture balance of your natural hair while wearing wigs. It's important to opt for moisturizing shampoos and conditioners that are free from harsh chemicals that may lead to dryness or damage.

3 Tips for Caring for Your Natural Hair Under a Wig

3 Tips for Caring for Your Natural Hair Under a Wig

Regular washing and conditioning are essential for maintaining the health of your natural hair under a wig. It's also important to moisturize your scalp regularly and trim your ends to prevent breakage and promote growth.

1. Regular Washing and Conditioning

To promote hair growth under a wig, it's essential to prioritize regular washing and conditioning. Cleanse your natural hair with a gentle shampoo to remove dirt and product buildup. Then, apply a nourishing conditioner to keep your hair moisturized and healthy. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Gently massage the shampoo into your scalp and hair, ensuring thorough cleansing.
  2. Rinse out the shampoo completely with lukewarm water to prevent residue buildup.
  3. Apply a generous amount of conditioner from roots to ends, focusing on the tips where dryness usually occurs.
  4. Leave the conditioner on for the recommended time as per the product instructions.
  5. Rinse out the conditioner with cool water to seal the hair cuticles and add shine.
  6. Pat your hair gently with a towel to remove excess water, avoiding harsh rubbing that can cause breakage.
  7. Allow your hair to air-dry or use a low-heat setting if blow-drying, maintaining a safe distance from your natural hair.

2. Moisturizing

Moisturizing your natural hair while wearing a wig is crucial for maintaining its health and promoting growth. Here are some key tips for moisturizing your hair under a wig:

  1. Use a water-based deep conditioner to hydrate and nourish your hair, as it helps to retain moisture and strengthens the hair shaft.
  2. Incorporate leave-in conditioners with moisturizing properties to provide ongoing hydration and protection for your natural hair.
  3. Apply natural oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, or argan oil to seal in moisture and prevent dryness, promoting healthy hair growth.
  4. Consider using a scalp oil or serum specifically formulated to nourish the scalp and strengthen the hair follicles while wearing a wig.
  5. Avoid over-moisturizing your natural hair, as this can lead to product buildup and potential damage if not properly cleaned regularly.
  6. Protect your hair from environmental stressors by using products with UV protection to shield it from sun damage while under the wig.
  7. Pay attention to the ingredients in the products you use, opting for those free of sulfates and parabens that may strip moisture from your hair.
  8. Regularly massage your scalp to stimulate blood flow and distribute natural oils, which aids in maintaining a healthy environment for new hair growth.
  9. Be mindful of how often you wash your natural hair—over-washing can strip away essential oils necessary for maintaining healthy strands under the wig.
  10. Prioritize consistent moisture balance by paying attention to changes in weather or seasonal conditions that may affect your natural hair's hydration needs.

3. Trimming Regularly

To maintain healthy hair growth under a wig, it's important to incorporate regular trimming into your hair care routine. This helps to prevent split ends and breakage, allowing your natural hair to thrive. Here are some essential tips for trimming your hair regularly:

  1. Schedule regular trims every 8-12 weeks to remove any damaged or split ends that can impede hair growth.
  2. Use sharp, high-quality scissors to ensure clean cuts and minimize further damage to the hair shaft.
  3. Trim small sections of hair at a time, focusing on the ends while maintaining the desired length to promote overall hair health.
  4. Consider seeking professional help from a hairstylist experienced in working with natural hair textures for precise and effective trims.
  5. Prioritize moisture and protection after trims by applying nourishing oils or serums to seal the cuticles and protect the newly trimmed ends from environmental damage.
  6. Avoid excessive heat styling or harsh chemical treatments post-trim to maintain the integrity of your natural hair and support healthy growth.
  7. Be mindful of any changes in your hair's texture or overall health that may indicate the need for more frequent trims to maintain optimal growth conditions.

Protective Measures for Growing Hair Under a Wig

Protective Measures for Growing Hair Under a Wig

Wearing wig caps or wigs with closures/frontals can protect your natural hair from friction and tension. Using oils and serums can also help keep your hair moisturized and healthy while wearing a wig.

Wearing Wig Caps or Wigs with Closures/Frontals

To promote healthy hair growth under a wig, wearing a wig cap or wigs with closures/frontals is crucial. These protective measures help to secure the natural hair and provide a base for attaching the wig, reducing tension on the scalp.

Furthermore, using oils and serums can nourish the scalp while avoiding tight styles and prevent stress on the hair follicles, contributing to optimal conditions for new hair growth.

Choosing appropriate protective measures like wearing wig caps or donning wigs with closures/frontals is essential for maintaining healthy natural hair under a wig. Implementing these strategies ensures that your own hair remains strong and continues to grow while being shielded from damage caused by consistent wear of wigs.

Using Oils and Serums

To promote hair growth under a wig, using oils and serums is crucial. Essential oils such as rosemary, peppermint, and lavender can stimulate hair follicles and encourage new growth.

Applying a few drops of these oils mixed with carrier oil to your scalp regularly can help maintain a healthy environment for your natural hair to thrive. Additionally, using serums that are rich in nutrients like vitamin E and biotin can nourish the scalp and strengthen the hair shaft, promoting stronger and longer hair growth.

When caring for your natural hair under a wig, remember to apply the oils or serums directly to your scalp by parting your hair in sections for thorough coverage. Massaging the products into the scalp will also improve blood circulation, which is essential for optimal hair growth.

Avoiding Tight Styles

To maintain healthy hair growth under a wig, it is essential to avoid tight styles that can cause tension and stress on your scalp. Tight hairstyles such as braids, ponytails, or cornrows can lead to traction alopecia, a condition characterized by hair loss due to excessive pulling on the hair follicles.

Instead of opting for tight styles, consider a looser protective style such as loose braids or twists when wearing wigs. This will help reduce tension on your scalp and promote better blood circulation, which is crucial for maintaining healthy hair growth.

Additionally, choosing wigs with adjustable straps and breathable cap constructions can provide a more comfortable fit without compromising the health of your natural hair underneath.

How to Make Your Hair Grow Under Wig - FAQs

Many first-time wig wearers wonder how to grow natural hair under wigs. However, wearing wigs often can actually impede hair growth since friction from tight wig caps causes breakage. Additionally, lack of cleaning leads to clogged hair follicles, preventing growth. Therefore, with some simple wig habits, your real hair can flourish out of sight. This FAQ section answers common questions about caring for hair under wigs.

Can my hair still grow if I wear a wig?

Yes, your hair can definitely grow under a wig. It's important to care for your natural hair and scalp properly to promote healthy growth.

How do I protect my hair while wearing a wig?

To protect your hair under a wig, maintain it by keeping it clean, moisturized, and using techniques that minimize stress on your scalp and strands.

What are some tips for caring for my hair underneath the wig?

Tips for maintaining healthy hair under wigs include regularly washing and conditioning your natural hair, using gentle protective styles that allow the scalp to breathe, and wearing wigs that fit correctly without being too tight.

Are there any special strategies to help with growing out my hair while I wear a wig?

Strategies for growing out your hair under a wig involve practicing good scalp care like regular massages to stimulate blood flow, as well as trying remedies or treatments known to support healthy regrowth.

Should I focus on both my real hair and the wig when aiming for growth?

Yes! While promoting natural growth is key with proper maintenance routines like moisturizing and protecting the new growth; you should also ensure proper care of the wig itself so it doesn't damage underlying locks.


The strategies discussed offer practical and efficient ways to promote hair growth under wigs. Implementing these tips can lead to significant improvements in maintaining healthy natural hair while wearing wigs.

It is vital to stress the importance of proper care and protective measures for the impact they can have on your hair's health and growth. For further guidance, consider consulting a professional stylist or exploring additional resources for caring for your natural hair under wigs.

Remember that taking proactive steps toward your hair growth journey will yield positive results in due time. Let us know in the comments below, how your wig helps you to grow your hair underneath.

Read More About Managing Your Hair Underneath Your Wig

How to Hide Hair Under Wig? 5 Easy Tips for You
Looking for ways to hide your hair under a wig? We’ve got you covered with expert tips and methods - say goodbye to stray hairs peeking out.
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Manal Z.
Author Manal Z.

Immersed in the world of fashion, beauty, and wellness. Her writing reflects her passion exploring trends, endorsing sustainable products, and healthy lifestyle.

Immersed in the world of fashion, beauty, and wellness. Her writing reflects her passion exploring trends, endorsing sustainable products, and healthy lifestyle.